

Available July 15, 2020!


awakening a fierce feminine buddhism

Reimagining Buddhism though a feminine lens: a powerful memoir of healing, strength and spiritual awakening.

Like all true spiritual teachings, Buddhism offers a radical shift: from me to we, fracture to unity, and fear to love. But like most institutionalized religions, Buddhism developed under systems of hierarchy, patriarchy, and power that have become interwoven into its structure. Written by the first layperson to receive full Dharma Transmission in the Suzuki Roshi Soto Zen lineage, A Bigger Sky explores what it means to fill the gaps of a Buddhism created by and for men, to navigate the seemingly contradictory domains of secular and spiritual life, and to walk a path through the heart of the world. Reorienting Buddhist practice through a wider, more inclusive feminine lens, Pamela Weiss’s personal and spiritual journey speaks to the bits of brokenness in us all, shining a light on the different pathways we can walk to become whole.  

Blending memoir, Buddhist practice, and cultural observation, Weiss explores the illness that led her to seek healing and brought her to Buddhism; life at Tassajara Zen Mountain monastery; feelings of helplessness amidst the legacy of intergenerational trauma; her husband's near-fatal accident; her work translating mindfulness and Buddhist principles to a broad lay audience; and stories of Buddhist women, past and present.

Through beautifully crafted prose, Weiss shares what it means to be an ordinary Bodhisattva—describing how the Buddha’s profound vision of freedom can be lived outside of institutions and rule-bound practice, and supporting us in deepening our connection—with ourselves, each other and the planet. A Bigger Sky illuminates how integrating a more feminine approach to Buddhist teachings can be applied in spiritual practice, in community, in relationships, and in day-to-day life.

This is a wise, beautiful book. Pamela tells her story with complete transparency, describing the long journey she took to give herself the same compassion that she has gifted so many others. As I was reading, I felt myself soften to the original source so lucidly described in her writing. You will, too.
— Allison Post, co-author of The Gut Wellness Guide
With intimacy and immediacy Pamela weaves together her unique lived experience with wise and compassionate Buddhist teachings. She beautifully illuminates the power of the strong feminine and its essential role for us all in personal and planetary healing. In the process she shines an unflinching and much needed light on the misogyny that has characterized the tradition’s history, and presents a contemporary way of integrating the masculine and feminine into a more complete spiritual path.
— Frank Ostaseski, author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully
A beautiful and courageous book. For those new to the world of meditation and for those seeking a fuller expression of how the path can unfold. Genuine, heartfelt, and deeply inspiring.
— Matty Weingast, author of The First Free Women
Pamela’s lovely memoir is as full of wisdom as it is well-written. Her spiritual journey takes us into uncharted territory, offering the intimations of a feminine approach to Buddhism. In its outlines, we begin to feel a sorely needed balance being restored.
— Sandra Maitri, author of The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram: Nine Faces of the Soul and The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues: Finding the Way Home, and teacher of the Diamond Approach
This brilliant and inspiring book explores the seeming contradiction between spiritual and secular realities through the true story of one woman who navigates a deep commitment to Buddhist practice with a successful corporate life. With engaging, intimate prose, Pamela Weiss illuminates how we can move through a world of increasing complexity while maintaining our values and aspirations, challenges the relevance of androcentrism in Buddhism, and gives voice to key female Buddhist figures.
— Sebene Selassie, Teacher & Writer
In Pamela Weiss’s beautifully written and heartfelt new book, she seamlessly weaves a variety of threads: her life story, a feminist take on Buddhist teachings, ancient myth, and hard won wisdom from her spiritual path. Put together she creates a fascinating synthesis of pressing spiritual topics and personal discovery.
— Diana Winston, author of The Little Book of Being and Director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center
A Bigger Sky: Awakening A Fierce Feminine Buddhism offers a vision of an American Buddhism that has worked through its psychological and sociocultural bypasses. First, it articulates a feminine embodied approach to awakening as a corrective to hyper masculine transcendent narratives. Second, in confronting the structural affliction of racism it signals a shift from individual to collective liberation. Practitioners who are birthing more inclusive and integrated forms of American Buddhism will find much of inspiration here.
— Ann Gleig, author of American Dharma: Buddhism Beyond Modernity
Pamela Weiss beautifully articulates the archetype of the Human Journey. But more than that, she expresses her own lived experience through Journeys into Buddhist Teachings, into Career, into Relationship, into Identity, and into the Joys and Sorrows of the only Life we have to live.
— Larry Yang, author of Awakening Together: The Spiritual Practice of Inclusivity and Community
In A Bigger Sky, Buddhist teacher Pamela Weiss gives us an intimate account of her spiritual journey, honestly sharing both the rough waters and the wonderful, sustaining parts of the path. The profound wisdom gained is woven through her account, giving readers the benefit of her rigorous dedication. I highly recommend this engrossing account for anyone on a spiritual path
— Lama Palden Drolma, author of Love on Every Breath: The Power of Tonglen Meditation in Daily Life, and Founder of Sukhasiddhi Foundation
Brilliantly and engagingly written, Pamela Weiss’s personal journey through decades of Buddhist practice is a must read for anyone interested in a contemporary spirituality as it unfolds in the workplace, in the face of debilitating illness, in the midst of race and gender issues, and in the ongoing dynamic between personal love and spiritual vocation. A Bigger Sky is nothing short of an inspiration, especially for women seeking to challenge the status quo of religious orthodoxy.
— Roger Housden, author of the best-selling Ten Poems to Change Your Life series, and Dropping the Struggle: Seven Ways to Love the Life You Have (2016)
A Bigger Sky is a wise, moving, exquisitely crafted book. It describes a path of intimacy which winds its way along the mountain roads of Zen practice, through lifelong illness, social histories, and awakenings to justice. Pamela Weiss shares stories of ancestral and contemporary women whose wisdom is pivotal to the relevance of the Buddhist tradition and the way to freedom for all beings. This is essential reading for Buddhists everywhere.
— Kosen Gregory Snyder, Senior Priest, Brooklyn Zen Center and Assistant Professor, Union Theological Seminary
Pioneers are those who venture into unknown territory and settle. In A Bigger Sky, Pamela Weiss marries the ‘settling’ teachings of Buddhism with the unsettling truth of systemic inequality. Weaving stories of wise women—such as the Buddha’s wife and the ancient Sumerian myth of Inanna—she invites us to reflect on the universal process of descent, recovery and restoration needed on the path of awakening, and inspires us to transcend the narrow definitions that have silenced women since antiquity. This book is heart medicine for our times!
— Sarah Powers, author of Insight Yoga





"An Appropriate Response" 
Sunday 7/9/17 Dharma Talk with Worldwide Insight

Bodhisattva Leadership and Zen

An interview with Ellen Leanse, 2017

Mindfulness and Well-Being at Work
A talk at the UC Berkeley Mindfulness Conference, 2016

What is the Dharma?
A talk at San Francisco Zen Center, 2016

An Attitude of Gratitude
A presentation at Genentech, 2016

Introduction to the Personal Excellence Program
A 5-minute video at Genentech, 2015

Wisdom in the Workplace
A 30-minute panel at Wisdom 2.0, 2014.

A story about healing and transformation at the DO Lectures, 2011



Women Hold Up Half the Sky   
An interview with Della Duncan on KALX radio, 2015

Clarity, Courage and Curiosity
An interview on The Amiel Show, 2015

Mindfulness and Meditation Summit
May 2020

This interview is part of the Mindfulness and Meditation Summit, a free online event where you can return to joy, foster courage and share compassion through the power of mindful awareness. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.