Session Three


Pam Weiss — Fierce Compassion in Bhutan, talk and slideshow.
Please enjoy this talk and slideshow, as promised by Pam from her recent travel to Bhutan!

Before Session Three:

Before our next session, Wednesday, December 14, from 4-6pm PT, we ask two things:

  • that you watch this short video on Emptiness from Thich Nhat Hanh:, and

  • that you do your best to bring a settled heart-mind to the next session that will allow you to take in the richness and depth of the topic.

Session Three:

Session Recordings:


Debrief and Dharma Talk

Inquiry Instructions



Homework Assignment #4

Further Reading:
Heart Sutra Chant
Heart Sutra Text
The Heart Sutra Will Change You Forever
The Heart Sutra and Emptiness
The Fullness of Emptiness
Suzuki Roshi on the Heart Sutra
The Freedom of Emptiness
Mingyur Rinpoche on Emptiness
The Place of Nonabiding
Emptiness in Theravada & Mahayana
Stephen Batchelor on Emptiness