True Happiness: The Heart of Awakening Silent Mediation Retreat at Spirit Rock with Erin Treat
True Happiness: The Heart of Awakening
Silent Mediation Retreat at Spirit Rock with Erin Treat
This retreat will explore the nature of mind and awareness as gateways to awakening and true happiness.
Walking the Spiritual Path With Insight Meditation Tuscon
Walking the Spiritual Path
With Insight Meditation Tuscon
This online class will meet on Tuesday evenings to unfold the ethical (sila) and meditation (bhavana) dimensions of the spiritual path. Each class will include guided meditation, a Dharma talk, discussion and resources to support integration of the teachings into daily life. All are welcome.
Awakening Wisdom
Awakening Wisdom
Hybrid Weekend Meditation Retreat through Insight Meditation Tuscon
This weekend retreat will explore the wisdom (panna) basket of the Path—Wise View and Intention—as a radical reorientation to awakening spiritual life. Our time together will include periods of silent stillness and movement, Dharma talks and time for reflection and discussion. All are welcome.
Zen Intensive: Buddha Nature
Zen Intensive: Buddha Nature
This four-week Intensive offered through San Francisco Zen Center will focus on the 6th Zen Ancestor, Hui-neng and the teachings of Buddha-Nature. The Intensive will open with a day-long retreat on May 24, followed by weekly Wednesday evening talks and Thursday evening classes and will conclude with a three-day retreat, June 12-14. You are welcome to attend in-person or via Zoom and can register for the full Intensive, or for the class or retreats only.
Unearthing Buddhist Women’s Wisdom: A Retreat for Mothers and Daughters Residential Retreat at BCBS, MA with Kate Johnson
Unearthing Buddhist Women’s Wisdom:
A Retreat for Mothers and Daughters
Residential Retreat at BCBS, MA with Kate Johnson
This retreat will explore the stories and voices of women and women’s unique expression of spiritual life. Our time together will focus on heart-based practices and is open to anyone who identifies as a mother or daughter, with or without their family. This will not be a fully silent retreat.
Being Nature: Embodying the Four Elements Silent Meditation Retreat at Vallecitos, NM with Amana Brembry-Johnson
Being Nature: Embodying the Four Elements
Silent Meditation Retreat at Vallecitos, NM with Amana Brembry-Johnson
This retreat will be rooted in the teachings of the Four Elements: earth, air, fire and water. Reclaiming an intimate connection with our own bodies and the body of the planet we will reawaken our belonging to the world.
Wise Wild Words
Wise Wild Words
A Meditation and Writing Retreat at Spirit Rock with Amana Brembry-Johnson
Grief as a Change Agent for Transformation and Resiliency Silent Meditation Retreat at Spirit Rock with Carol Cano and Amana Brembry-Johnson
Grief as a Change Agent for Transformation and Resiliency
Silent Meditation Retreat at Spirit Rock with Carol Cano and Amana Brembry-Johnson
Registration opens July 2, 2025
This retreat will create a space of sacred refuge to explore the personal nature of grief and loss through silent meditation, Dharma talks, embodiment practices and ritual.
Deep Dive Dharma with Erin Treat
Deep Dive Dharma Program, with Erin Treat
This 8-month intensive online program through Spirit Rock will begin September 28, 2024 and end April 12, 2025. It is intended for experienced Dharma practitioners who wish to deepen their understanding and embodiment of the teachings. In bi-monthly, on-line sessions we will explore topics including: non-self, emptiness, dependent origination, the nature of mind, awareness and awakening.
Registration is by application through Spirit Rock. Stay tuned for more details.
The Doorway to Freedom and Peace Retreat, with Erin Treat and Yong Oh
The Doorway to Freedom and Peace Retreat, with Erin Treat and Yong Oh
This on-land, overnight silent retreat will be held at Spirit Rock. We will explore the Three Characteristics—all things are impermanent (annica), ultimately unreliable (dukkha) and ownerless (anatta.).
Tassajara Retreat
Tassajara Retreat - this event is sold out
The True Dharma Eye of Women: Uncovering Stories of Ancient Enlightened Women
with Professor Jan Willis, Abbess Mako Voelkel, Marcia Lieberman & Heather Iarusso
This five-day retreat will include morning and evening meditation, work with the community and afternoon teaching sessions that explore stories of women Buddhist teachers across the Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions.
All genders are welcome.
The fee is $600 and spaces are limited.
If you are interested, please contact Renee:
Engaging the Precepts, online through Insight Meditation Tuscon
Engaging the Precepts, online through Insight Meditation Tuscon
Registration is now open for this six-session online intensive will meet Thursday evenings from 5:00-6:45PT on Zoom. All are welcome.
Each class will explore one of the five precepts of non-harming:
Not to kill, but to nurture and cherish all of life.Not to take what is not given, but to be generous.Not to misuse sexuality, but to honor intimacy in relationships.Not to lie, but to speak the truth.Not to intoxicate, but to cultivate clear awareness.
Sangha Live: "True Refuge" Dharma Talk
Sangha Live: “True Refuge” Dharma Talk
This talk will explore the Three Refuges—Buddha, Dharma and Sangha—as sources of true refuge in difficult times. The teaching of the Refuges is found within all schools of Buddhism and offers clear guidance for responding to our beautiful, aching world with skill and kindness.
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA A Residential Retreat for Mothers and Daughters, with Kate Johnson
Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, MA A Residential Retreat for Mothers and Daughters
with Kate Johnson
Oh, my heart.
You don’t have to go it alone.
Train yourself to train
Just a little more gently.
—Jenta Bhikkhunī
The roles, relationships, stories, and voices of women in Buddhism have too often been neglected and obscured. But we know they were there. Their realization, teaching, and leadership—of women who were also mothers and daughters, queens and courtesans, widows and wives—is described in the poems of awakening found in the Therigattha, the earliest extant text of women’s spiritual experiences, in which Jenta Bhikkhunī’s voice is one of many awakened ones.
In this program for mothers and daughters, we will explore women’s unique expression of spiritual life in a contemporary Buddhist space. Our time together will blend meditation instructions and periods of silence with dharma talks recounting the lives of our early female ancestors, chanting, sharing circles, guided movement, mandala drawing, and time in nature. The teachings will focus on the cultivation of heart-based, relational practices, including interactive inquiry, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness.
We are delighted to invite mothers and daughters (16 years and older) to join us in celebrating women’s wisdom, tenacity, tenderness and joy. This program is open to mothers and daughters who identify as women, including those who are trans or gender non-binary.
Loving Each Moment Retreat with Eugene Cash
Loving Each Moment Retreat, with Eugene Cash
This on-land, overnight silent retreat will be held at Spirit Rock. We will explore the simplicity of being and the heart’s capacity to awaken to loving ourselves, each other and the world.
Walking the Bodhisattva Path: Three Essential Precepts
Walking the Bodhisattva Path:
The Three Pure Precepts
April-June: Tuesday evenings 5:30-7:00pm PT
Dates: April 16 & 30, May 14 & 28, and June 11.
In this seminar we will take up the overarching vows for walking the Path:
Avoid doing harm;
Cultivate good; and
Live for the benefit of all beings
Each seminar will include an exploration of walking the spiritual path and the archetype of the Bodhisattva—a person committed to alleviating suffering, whose wisdom and compassion are rooted in the truth of our deep connectedness. Our study and practice together will include talks, reading, reflection and discussion, with an emphasis on integration into daily life.
If you are unable to attend the seminars “live,” all of the talks will be recorded, and all readings and assignments will be available through a dedicated online portal.
The seminars are open to all. For those who are interested, these essential teachings are part of the study and practice for receiving formal Bodhisattva vows.
For more information or to register, please contact Renee:
The price of the seminar is a sliding scale of $75-$200.
Please pay at the highest level you are able. For those who are able to pay at the higher end, your generosity supports those with limited resources or who are unable to pay at this time.
Bozeman Dharma Center: Finding True Refuge Evening Dharma talk and Weekend retreat
Bozeman Dharma Center: Finding True Refuge
Evening Dharma talk and Weekend retreat
More information to come…
Insight Meditation Society Book Club Reading
Insight Meditation Society Book Club reading:
“A Bigger Sky: Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism?”
Walking the Bodhisattva Path: Engaging the Precepts
Walking the Bodhisattva Path: Engaging the Precepts
Online: Seven Tuesday evenings, 5:00-6:30pm PT
September 12-December 5
Not to kill, but to nurture and cherish all of life.
Not to take what is not given, but to be generous.
Not to lie, but to speak the truth.
Not to misuse sexuality, but to honor intimacy in relationships.
Not to intoxicate, but to cultivate clear awareness.
This Fall, I will offer a bi-monthly seminar on the first five Precepts—the ethical backbone of Buddhist practice. In a world rife with division and discord, the Precepts offer guidelines for meeting our individual and collective difficulties with skill, integrity and kindness.
Over the course of four months, we will examine each of the precepts from two sides: avoiding harm; and cultivating beneficial thought, speech and action. Our study and practice will include talks, reading, reflection and discussion, with an emphasis on integration into daily life.
The seminar will include an exploration of walking the spiritual path and the archetype of the Bodhisattva—a person committed to alleviating suffering, whose wisdom and compassion are rooted in the truth of our deep connectedness.
If you are unable to attend the seminars “live,” all of the talks will be recorded, and all readings and assignments will be available through a dedicated online portal.
All are welcome.
For more information or to register, please contact Renee:
Walking the Bodhisattva Path: Engaging the Precepts is offered on a sliding scale from $100-$350. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please pay at the highest level you are able. For those who are able to pay at the higher end, your generosity supports those with limited resources or who are unable to pay at this time.
This seminar provides the foundational teachings for those who wish to formally receive the Bodhisattva Precepts as part of a Bodhisattva Initiation ceremony. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Renee to set up a call with Pamela:
Full Moon Ceremony
Shining Grasses Full Moon Ceremony
You are warmly welcome to join my new, online Dharma group, Shining Grasses. Through Shining Grasses I will offer teachings on walking the Bodhisattva Path in everyday life, including: monthly Full Moon ceremonies, dharma talks, seminars, and practice intensives.
In Buddhist communities around the globe, the full moon serves as an opportunity to express our commitment to being Bodhisattvas—clarifying our dedication to practicing wholeheartedly for the benefit all beings.