Walking the Bodhisattva Path:
The Three Pure Precepts
April-June: Tuesday evenings 5:30-7:00pm PT
Dates: April 16 & 30, May 14 & 28, and June 11.
In this seminar we will take up the overarching vows for walking the Path:
Avoid doing harm;
Cultivate good; and
Live for the benefit of all beings
Each seminar will include an exploration of walking the spiritual path and the archetype of the Bodhisattva—a person committed to alleviating suffering, whose wisdom and compassion are rooted in the truth of our deep connectedness. Our study and practice together will include talks, reading, reflection and discussion, with an emphasis on integration into daily life.
If you are unable to attend the seminars “live,” all of the talks will be recorded, and all readings and assignments will be available through a dedicated online portal.
The seminars are open to all. For those who are interested, these essential teachings are part of the study and practice for receiving formal Bodhisattva vows.
For more information or to register, please contact Renee: renee@pamelaweiss.com.
The price of the seminar is a sliding scale of $75-$200.
Please pay at the highest level you are able. For those who are able to pay at the higher end, your generosity supports those with limited resources or who are unable to pay at this time.