Walking the Bodhisattva Path: Engaging the Precepts
Online: Seven Tuesday evenings, 5:00-6:30pm PT
September 12-December 5
Not to kill, but to nurture and cherish all of life.
Not to take what is not given, but to be generous.
Not to lie, but to speak the truth.
Not to misuse sexuality, but to honor intimacy in relationships.
Not to intoxicate, but to cultivate clear awareness.
This Fall, I will offer a bi-monthly seminar on the first five Precepts—the ethical backbone of Buddhist practice. In a world rife with division and discord, the Precepts offer guidelines for meeting our individual and collective difficulties with skill, integrity and kindness.
Over the course of four months, we will examine each of the precepts from two sides: avoiding harm; and cultivating beneficial thought, speech and action. Our study and practice will include talks, reading, reflection and discussion, with an emphasis on integration into daily life.
The seminar will include an exploration of walking the spiritual path and the archetype of the Bodhisattva—a person committed to alleviating suffering, whose wisdom and compassion are rooted in the truth of our deep connectedness.
If you are unable to attend the seminars “live,” all of the talks will be recorded, and all readings and assignments will be available through a dedicated online portal.
All are welcome.
For more information or to register, please contact Renee: renee@pamelaweiss.com.
Walking the Bodhisattva Path: Engaging the Precepts is offered on a sliding scale from $100-$350. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please pay at the highest level you are able. For those who are able to pay at the higher end, your generosity supports those with limited resources or who are unable to pay at this time.
This seminar provides the foundational teachings for those who wish to formally receive the Bodhisattva Precepts as part of a Bodhisattva Initiation ceremony. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Renee to set up a call with Pamela: renee@pamelaweiss.com.