FiveWednesday Evenings from 7pm-8:30pm PDT
November 10th & 17th
December 1st, 8th and 15th
In this four-week online class we will explore our essential, elemental nature—earth, air, fire and water. These elements are always already here, and offer a doorway to discover the internal and external qualities of solidity and stability, spaciousness and fluidity, impermanence, healing and transformation.
In our time together, we will come to know the truth of elements within the intimacy of our bodies and the activities of our daily lives. Each session will include guided meditation, a dharma talk and interactive inquiry. Between sessions you will discover how the aliveness of the elements supports awakening to the truth of who and what we are.
This class is appropriate for those new to meditation practice and for experienced meditators. People of all ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation and gender identities are welcome.
Pre-register through
The registration fee is a sliding scale: $50-$150. Please pay at the highest level you can afford.
Our teachers are supported solely by your donations. They do not receive any portion of the registration fee. Suggested teacher dana is $50-$200.